RSL-AZ Yuma, is categorized based on birth year. Currently the Boys’ teams consist of: 2007-2017. The Girls’ teams consist of ages 2006-2017.
Each age group is continually evaluated through the year, with consideration of past performance, by the Coach and the Director of Coaching. This continual evaluation determines the level of play during participation in different leagues, tournaments and travel activities for the team. Each team is evaluated separately and their participation is based on skill level to determine competition level.
Players will train both on the field and through ‘classroom’ activities. There are training concepts and curriculum dispersed to players/teams throughout the year for use and application during field practice sessions. Players’ game performance is a direct reflection of their practice performance. Very important for players to be present and committed.
RSL-AZ Yuma has a Player / Parent Handbook which includes an extensive read on the philosophies and policies of the club. We have a very specific mission to develop soccer players within our community and foster long lasting life characteristics beyond the field play.
Please let me know if you have any questions and if you'd like to be introduced to our Coaching staff. We are always looking for dedicated soccer players wanting to take their talent to the next level. We provide a pathway to an advanced level of soccer. Contact for more information.