The RSL AZ Learning Center is back with new curriculum. If you missed any of the previous posts see below.
Week #1 - Attacking Phase: Creation & Use of Space
Week #2 - Defending Phase
TACTICAL PRINCIPLE- Close DGC & Prevent Penetration
- If pressure is beaten around: quickly recover at an angle to prevent progress
- If not able to apply pressure: must retreat at an angle to stop progress
- Delay progress: protect space behind
- CB covering runner in behind until OB is recovered
- If pressure is bypassed with direct ball: quickly recover and squeeze from behind
- Close DGC: force play wide/negative, protect the direct goal channel
- Immediate reaction to defend when possession is lost
- Nearest players must make decision to pressure or cut off progress
- Teammates shaping cover to deny penetrations “splits”
- Teammates on last line: protect space behind
- Teammates in front of the ball: back press to close space