The 2023 Holiday Classic sponsored by Phoenix Children's is in the books. It was a fantastic weekend of soccer!
Below are links to photos from the weekend and a list of tournament winners.
Click here to see more than 350 photos on our Facebook page
Click here to see even more photos on our Instagram page
Upcoming RSL AZ Tournaments. Click here for more tournament info and registration.
Boys Winners
U9 Germany - Las Vegas Sports Academy Las Vegas Sports Academy U9 Boys Red 2015
U9 Ghana - Paso Del Norte SA RSL El Paso 2015
U9 Iran - Phoenix Rising FC PRFC Scottsdale 15B Predator
U9 Japan - FC Tucson Youth Soccer 15 B. Blue West 1
U9 Mexico - Phoenix Rising Desert Foothills PRFC Desert Foothills 15 Boys Pre-Academy
U9 Morocco - Arizona Arsenal Soccer Club AZ Arsenal 16 Boys Teal 1
U9 Netherlands - Phoenix Premier FC Phoenix Premier FC 15B CG
U10 Poland - Tucson Mountains SFC Rayados AZ 2014
U10 Portugal - Madison FC Madison FC 14 Boys Gold
U10 Qatar - CCV STARS CCV STARS 14 Boys Orange LAV
U10 Saudi Arabia - FBSL Tuzos Royals 2014
U10 Senegal - SC del Sol U-10 (2014) Boys Pre Academy
U10 Serbia - RSL-AZ South 14 Boys Castro Rueda
U10 South Korea - RSL-AZ South EXCEL23FallU9U10B2Lee
U10 Spain - Phoenix Rising FC PRFC Scottsdale 14B Copa
U11 Switzerland - Phoenix Rising FC PRFC West Valley 13B Pre-Academy
U11 Tunisia - Las Vegas Sports Academy Las Vegas Sports Academy U11 Boys Silver 2013
U11 USA - RSL-AZ North 13 Girls Pre-ECNL Jeffers Royals
U11 Uruguay - CCV STARS CCV STARS 13 Boys LAV
U11 Wales - North Scottsdale Soccer Club North Scottsdale 13 Sandsharks
U11 Argentina - Brazas Futebol Club Brazas 2013 Boys Gold Cassio
U11 Australia - La Academia FC LAFC 13 BOYS
U11 Ireland - Arizona Arsenal Soccer Club AZ Arsenal 13 Boys Verde Valley
U12 Belgium - SC del Sol U-12 (2012) Boys Pre Academy
U12 Brazil - Paris Saint-Germain Academy Phoenix 12B Blue
U12 Cameroon - CCV STARS CCV STARS 12 Boys LAV
U12 Canada - Madison FC Madison FC 12 Boys Gold
U12 Costa Rica - RSL-AZ West Valley West Valley 2012 Boys Bieber
U12 Croatia - Flagstaff Revolution Flagstaff Revolution 2012 Boys
U12 Denmark - Brazas Futebol Club Brazas 2012 Boys Gold Rob
U13 Ecuador - FBSL TUZOS PLAYMAKERS 11B Elite 64
U13 England - Utah Royals FC - AZ Utah Royals FC-AZ ECNL G11
U13 France - Paris Saint-Germain Academy Phoenix 11B Blue
U13 Germany - FC Tucson Youth Soccer 12 B. ECNL 1
U13 Ghana - Madison FC Madison FC 11 Boys Gold
U13 Iran - Renegades Soccer Club Vipers 11 Red
U13 Japan - CCV STARS CCV STARS 11 Boys Navy PEO
U14 Mexico - FBSL TUZOS PLAYMAKERS 10B Elite 64
U14 Morocco - Madison FC Madison FC 10 Boys Gold
U14 Netherlands - FBSL PLAYMAKERS 2010 GOLD
U14 Poland - FBSL Tuzos 2010 (AH)
U14 Portugal - Phoenix United Futbol Club Phoenix United 2010
U14 Qatar - Phoenix Rising FC PRFC Prescott 10B Predator
U14/15 Saudi Arabia - CCV STARS CCV STARS 09 Boys Orange PEO
U14/15 Ireland - Brazas Futebol Club Brazas 2010 Boys Black Thiago
U15/16 Senegal - New Mexico Soccer Academy NMSA 09 Boys
U17 Serbia - Emerald City FC ECFC M07 Green
Girls Winners
U9 Cameroon - Legends FC Arizona Legends FC AZ 15G FC
U9 Canada - Legends FC Arizona Legends FC AZ 15G Gold
U9 Costa Rica - RSL-AZ South 15 Girls Varas
U10 Croatia - Las Vegas Sports Academy Las Vegas Sports Academy U10 Girls Red 2014
U10 Denmark - RSL-AZ North 15 Girls Chriest
U10 Ecuador - Phoenix Rising FC PRFC Scottsdale 15G Pre-ECNL
U10 England - Arizona Soccer Club AZSC 15G Navy
U10 France - Phoenix Premier FC Phoenix Premier FC 14G CG
U11 Germany - El Paso Premier League RSL El Paso G 2013
U11 Ghana - Phoenix Rising FC PRFC Scottsdale 13G Predator
U11 Iran - CCV STARS CCV STARS 13 Girls Orange PEO
U11 Japan - CCV STARS CCV STARS 13 Girls Navy PEO
U11 Mexico - Phoenix Rising Desert Foothills PRFC Desert Foothills 13 Girls Predator
U11 Morocco - AYSO United (AZ) AZEV G2013 (COVA)
U12 Netherlands - New Frontier SC 12 Girls
U12 Poland - PYSL Blast SC PYSL Blast G2012 Dobek/Bollin
U12 Portugal - CCV STARS CCV STARS 12 Girls LAV
U12 Qatar - Phoenix Rising FC PRFC Scottsdale 12G Samba
U12 Saudi Arabia - RSL-AZ West Valley West Valley 2012 Girls Goergen
U13 Senegal - FC USA Soccer Club FC USA 2011G
U13 Serbia - Arizona Soccer Club Arizona Soccer Club 11G DPL Johnson
U13 South Korea - RSL-AZ North 12 Girls Pre-ECNL Sabato Royals
U13 Spain - Phoenix Rising Desert Foothills PRFC Desert Foothills 12 Girls Pre-ENCL
U13 Switzerland - Phoenix Rush 2011 Rush Girls
U14 Tunisia - NMSA 10G GA
U14 USA - Phoenix Rising FC PRFC Scottsdale 10G Predator
U14 Uruguay - CCV STARS CCV STARS 10 Girls SUR
U14 Wales - Phoenix Rising FC PRFC West Valley 10G Predator
U15 Argentina - Utah Royals FC - AZ Utah Royals FC-AZ ECNL G10
U15 Australia - CCV STARS CCV STARS 09 Girls Navy PEO
U16/17 Belgium - Utah Royals FC - AZ Utah Royals FC-AZ Non HS team
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