RSL AZ will be recognizing an RSL AZ North, South, West Valley, Yuma, and Southern AZ team as the Team of the Month every month from September to May.
Teams will not only be recognized for their performance on the field, but off the field as well.
Check out the December Teams of the Month below!
Yuma - 16 Girls Reyes
The Yuma 2016 RSL Girls Reyes team has undergone significant growth in recent months, culminating in their impressive victory in the San Luis Soccer League. On the field, their development is evident through refined skills and strategic teamwork that propelled them to success. Beyond the game, the team has formed strong bonds off the field, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie that extends beyond match days. As they celebrate their current triumphs, the team is also looking forward to future years with optimism. The foundation of skill, teamwork, and camaraderie built during this period sets the stage for continued development and success, making them a force to be reckoned with in the seasons to come.
Tucson - Flores 13 Girls
The RSL AZ Southern 2013 NPL Girls Flores are a force! These high-energy young ladies work hard on the field and have fun doing it. Coming together from across Southern Arizona to compete in the NPL Champions League and top-level events in the west region. From Blues Cup to Players Showcase, our goal is to test the team early to help build their character and resiliency.
Recently, they have been doing lots of winning. They were undefeated at the Holiday Classic, a finalist at the Futures Cup, and champions at the Fort Lowell Shootout, all in the gold division!
We are all so proud of the growth of this team. To date, they have stepped up to every challenge with a positive attitude and great work ethic. As coaches and a club, we are looking forward to a very bright future for the entire 2013 age group and these young athletes are helping lead the way.
West Valley - Valencia 15 Boys
It is an honor to be named the team of the month for West Valley in December. Half of these boys have been playing together for close to 4 years with the remainder going on 2.5 years. Although these boys are young, they play at a higher level and their ability to learn everything is amazing. These boys have come a long way since we first started, and I know they all have a bright future. All players are disciplined and hard-working and give their all to each practice session and game. The support system of the families makes the experience even better. We care about development over wins on this team, and each player shows incredible sportsmanship and comradery to each other. The boys know I would rather see them fail trying something we practiced than go away from our system of play to win a game. But these boys surprise me and play our game along with bringing home the silverware. I look forward to a strong second half of the season where we will end in Dallas for the Super Cup. Congrats boys you deserve it!
South - Molina 11 Girls
The 2011 Girls South, are a fantastic group to work with. Some girls have been playing together for some time now, and have created some good friendships. These young athletes have shown what hard work is all about. Whenever a challenge or obstacle is in front of them, they find a way to surpass it, by not giving up and learning new skills and tactics of the game. I can't wait to see what the future holds for these amazing soccer players.
North - Wright 11 Girls
With the addition of some girls this year, this group has played together for over four years. They are committed to the game they love, and it shows on the field. They practice hard and always commit 100% effort to games. Watching these girls continuously attempting to play out from the back and play with purpose is such a joy to watch. They are not afraid to make mistakes and take risks which allows them to compete against some of the best 2011 teams in the state. The journey for these girls is just beginning and I’m excited to see what they can achieve in the second half of the season!
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